Monday 30 March 2009

SPOOK ON THE STEPS! (more info...)

1 comment:

    I was posting some of my pics up on my bebo site and my sister put an unusual comment on one of them, she asked why was there smoke in the middle of the picture. On closer examination there was indeed smoke, but no-one was smoking, there was a bar-b-q going but that wasn't giving off smoke either as it was gas and at the time only a few old pieces of chicken were on there. Anyway I'm not sure what it is but it is interesting, I did hear funny noises in the old place and one night I woke up to what I thought was someone bouncing my exercise ball but when I went into the lounge to tell them to shut up no one was there and no one was home that night except me. Please tell me what you think it is as I am stumped! Thank you Vanessa
    Submitted by: Vanessa Nieuwenhui
