Monday, 30 March 2009

FREAKY SIDEKICK! (more info...)

1 comment:

    This photograph was taken with a mobile phone camera (Samsung u340) I am not sure what the conditions were exactly, but the man who took the picture lives on an Indian reservation in North Dakota and has absolutely no computer of photography experience. He told me he was just using his phone to take pictures of his daughter one day last summer and this appeared in one of the photos. The natives around here are very superstitious and its not unusual to hear ghost stories or talk to people that have had paranormal experiences. There is definitely a spiritual vibe on this reservation, I grew up close by, a lot of violent deaths and such. I hope to hear back from you, I've known the guy who took this most of my life and there is no way he would be capable or have the knowledge to have faked this picture. Thank you for your time.
    Submitted by: Kerry DeCoteau
