Monday 30 March 2009

WHO'S HAUNTING THE HOUSE? (more info...)

1 comment:

    Hi, this was posted on a message community board with the following story. The Picture was taken of a home in Ravenna, Ohio. It was taken by the owners 14 year old son in May of 2008. It displays what appears to be a young girl in human form looking out the window. She seems to be wearing a blue outfit of some type. The owner and her son were the only ones home at the time and there are no younger children in the family. They have no idea why a young girl would show up in the window of the house. It's reported that the house also has a history of supernatural activity but never to the point of seeing an apparition, at least until this point. The house was built in the early 1930s.
    Submitted by: Tipper
