Monday 30 March 2009

CAR CRASH SCENE GHOST! (more info...)

1 comment:

    This is a picture of a newspaper clipping. The head-on collision killed a young mother of 3 boys. The accident happened approximately 8 years ago, I'm sorry I don't remember the exact date. I do remember several people talking about a "face" in the front end of the car the woman had been in but I didn't remember seeing it. I was at my mother's house yesterday and she was looking through old pictures and among them was this newspaper clipping. I picked it up and was about to ask her why she had saved it when the face just jumped out at me. My mother had stated she had cut the article and just put it away. I told her I wanted to scan it and send it to and she allowed me to bring the clipping home. I did scan it but it didn't scan plain, so I laid the clipping on my couch and took a picture of it with my digital camera, Fujifilm FinePix A205. I only had on the overhead light and did not use a flash. After I downloaded the pictures I picked the best one and drew a circle around the face, although I feel pointing it out is needless as it is so plain. I then cropped the front section of the car to better see the face. To my surprise you can also see what looks like an arm and leg, as if the person was curled up in a fetal position. I enjoy visiting your website frequently and I hope that you feel this capture is good enough to post. Thank you.
